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Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. Any examples in these materials are not be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings.

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This site may be affiliated with companies whose products and services are being promoted on this site, as a Marketing Affiliate and receive compensation for sales of such products and services.


Every effort has been made to accurately represent the products and services found on this site and their potential. However, there is no guarantee that a customer will earn any money using the products and services found on this site, or the techniques or ideas in these materials. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings in any way.

Materials in the product and on our website may contain information that includes or is based upon Forward-Looking Statements within the meaning of the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-Looking Statements present our expectations or forecasts of future events. You can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. Such Forward-Looking Statements use words such as "anticipate," "estimate," "expect," "project," "intend," "plan," "believe," and other such words and terms of similar meaning in connection with a description of potential earnings or financial performance. Your results may vary from ours and those of anyone else that is, or will be using these products, techniques, and/or services.

Any and all Forward-Looking Statements here or on any of our sales material are intended to express our opinion of earnings potential not actual earnings expected. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made, expressed or implied that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else's.


Each cancellation request must be officially communicated to AmpiFire via [email protected].

Specific guidelines regarding cancellations:

All Ampifire product cancellation requests must be communicated at least 3 business days prior to their official renewal date.

Cancellations made outside of the specified time-frame will be accepted but do not qualify for a refund.

Steps required in order to successfully cancel a subscription:

  1. Customer must request cancellation by emailing [email protected].
  2. Support will confirm the receipt of the request to the customer.
  3. Ampifire will address the request.

Important: Responding to all communications from Ampifire, especially to confirm cancellation requests, is highly recommended in order to prevent unwanted charges.

Ampifire might take a certain period of time to address any misunderstandings or issues that motivated the customer's cancellation request.

Nevertheless, if the customer discontinues further use of the subscription, and no resolution is reached for their concerns, Ampifire will honor the initial cancellation request date.

Should a cancellation request meeting the above conditions not be processed by Ampifire before the subscription renewal date, Ampifire will refund the customer for any fees incurred.

Specific guidelines regarding refunds:

  1. Ampifire customers are not entitled to refunds as the general rule. However, occasional refunds may be awarded as a gesture of good-will.
    Each request will be assessed by the Ampifire team, and the decision to refund depend exclusively on Ampifire.
  2. Some special promotions are covered by a 60-day money back guarantee, where the customer is entitled to a full refund on the initial purchase. For this guarantee to be applicable, it has to be displayed within the Sales page of a specific promotion.
    Subsequent purchases are not covered by this 60-day money back guarantee.
  3. Ampifire has a strict policy regarding any refunds it decides to issue of over $8,000.00; as these will be reimbursed exclusively via Bank transfer.
    In the case of a refund exceeding the $8,000.00 threshold, the customer agrees to provide their banking details when requested, so the refund can be issued.
  4. No partial refunds will be issued regarding subscription charges; However, partial refunds may be granted for non-subscription products and services.
  5. The refund process as a whole can take up to 2-3 weeks, and it generally (with exceptions) presents the following structure:
    Customer requests refund to Ampifire's support team > Support assesses the refund request > Ampifire decides to award a refund or not, and communicates the decision to the customer > If awarded, Ampifire's Finance department issues the refund > Payment processor (or bank) receives the money > Payment processor (or bank) credits the money to customer's account.

Customers must refrain from raising disputes or Charge-backs while an internal refund process is ongoing. Especially if Ampifire's support team has informed the customer that the refund request is being processed.

If the customer were to raise a dispute or a charge-back while the refund assessment process is ongoing, it will result in a failed attempt to refund, as it will be automatically blocked by the billing platform.

Requesting a refund and raising a dispute or charge-back at the same time could be considered as a fraud attempt, as there is an intent to be refunded twice. Customers may have their right of service revoked at Ampifire's discretion, including access to their Ampifire accounts. Additionally, payment processors might flag the customer's account as fraudulent and restrict access to it.

Customers that file credit card or PayPal disputes untruthfully or incorrectly may have their right of service revoked at our discretion.

Ampifire customers are solely responsible for disputes, charge-backs, and refunds resulted from transactions with their end clients. Furthermore, Ampifire reserves the right to withdraw revenues should customers fail to do so.

Customers that do not pay their Ampifire product fees (monthly subscriptions, annual subscriptions or split-pay packages) may have their right of service revoked at our discretion, including access to their Ampifire accounts. Non-paid fees are defined as any delinquent payments for Ampifire products that are not resolved (paid in full) by the customer within 27 days of their original payment due date. For split-pay packages, Customers agree to pay the total fee of the package over consecutive monthly installments, as defined by Ampifire, and to a fractioned delivery of full package credits, in equal amounts, per paid installment.

As a general matter, prepayments for distribution services do not have a time limit and the company's undertaking to provide such distribution services does not expire as of a certain date. However, the company shall not be obligated to provide such distribution service if any of the following three factors shall be in effect:


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Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement Pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act

If you believe that you hold a claim of copyright infringement against this site, submit notice of your claim via email to [email protected]

Email Address to Which Notification Should Be Sent: [email protected]

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News Article Content Rules and Terms

The documents submitted to Ampifire shall not contain any content that is obscene, libelous, slanderous or otherwise defamatory, false or misleading or which violates any copyright, right of privacy or publicity or other right of any person and agree to comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including to all those applicable laws, rules and regulations relating to "SPAM".

Under all circumstances, Ampifire reserves the right at all times and without previous notification to approve, disapprove or remove parts or all the published/submitted documents as long as it is inappropriate to be published. Any decision made by the Ampifire team shall be FINAL and it cannot be questioned.

Under all circumstances, content distributed by Ampifire can be removed without prior notification. Distribution partners receiving Ampifire's content reserve the right to remove any or all content sourced from Ampifire at their discretion.

No promotional news articles will be accepted as our service should not be used for your advertisements. Company's website URL that contains pop-up and pop-unders ads also will not be accepted. Such news articles will be removed from our database without any notifications. Members are not allowed to misuse our service in order to promote their services violating news article submission conditions. Violation will result in permanent removal of account and their releases.

Headline and Summary

News Article Format


Disclaimer: Under any circumstances, the Ampifire team reserve the right at all times and without previous notification to approve, disapprove or remove parts or all the published/submitted documents as long as it is inappropriate to be published. Any decision made by the Ampifire team shall be FINAL and cannot be questioned.

These terms will change from time to time without prior notice and you are advised to visit this page for updates.

General Disclaimer

Our products, services, and training evolve over time to adapt to changing market conditions. As such, we cannot guarantee marketing claims or availability of specific content brands, but we do guarantee best efforts in replacing any with equivalent alternatives.

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