Prior to joining AmpiFire, Patrick Sipperly, owner at AZ Video, realized that while video was a great marketing tool, it wasn’t always the greatest one for all of his clients. It seemed like every time he started to see some traction, his efforts were thwarted.
It was apparent that he needed to think differently and add new tools to his arsenal that worked for various niches if he wanted to continue to offer premium marketing services and scale his business.
Keeping up with the current marketing trends, he decided to broaden his services portfolio and look for a platform that would give him all the tools he needed.
In order to better serve his existing local clients, Patrick invested in AmpiFire – the content marketing platform that would allow him to offer media exposure services and would enable him to get more customers and grow his marketing agency.
When he discovered AmpiFire and after a complete mindset shift, his fortunes changed.
“If you go through the training, the platform works but the trick is you have to follow the instructions. You have to follow the breadcrumbs, work through the training so that you know what you’re doing, and then do it and then do it again, and then do it again and do it again. And then you realize that, yes, this works.
This offers a predictable measure of success but it is really going through the process, learning, and then doing, that’s when you’ll see results.”
When he invested the time to study the training material and implement the business model, his confidence in the system improved.
With AmpiFire, Patrick managed to develop a content strategy that worked in every niche.
"Exposure marketing is how I label the service, I use that to get my clients exposure that ultimately drives traffic and hopefully clients.
For the past couple of years, Patrick Sipperly has been using AmpiFire to create content on steroids for his local clients, to generate new business, and to grow his company.
He has been able to take on new businesses for his media exposure and traffic generation services. He has successfully delivered content marketing campaigns to plumbers, HVAC experts, pest control service providers, dentists and more.
He has also leveraged the Amp campaigns as means to promote his blogs and generate affiliate income.
“It’s given me something else that I can offer my clients.
Be as great as video, not all of them need or want a video. And for some businesses, video may not necessarily be their greatest tool. And even though I am called Arizona Video Company, I do a lot more than video, and part of it is media.
The other things that I do... being able to say “I can get you featured in some local and national media that will get you some awesome exposure that you can use in a lot of ways, so let’s talk about that”…
It has helped me to be able to offer another tool that I can point to success with.”
If you’re ready to deliver premium marketing services to local business and build or grow your agency, book an appointment with AmpiFire today.