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June 2, 2020 Last Updated

Online Business Models For The Pandemic Crisis That Are Continuing To Prosper

Now let’s dive a little deeper into specific business models that are continuing to prosper during the outbreak and why…

Delivery Businesses

Because people are being told to use social distancing and restaurants and other facilities aren’t taking in too many patrons. In general, by people staying at home, the need for deliveries is exploding. 

This is great if you have an eCommerce business, although the downside is logistics have become a lot more difficult. So it can be quite stressful and affect margins. On the plus side, ad costs tend to go down considerably during a crash as major brands that don’t measure their results clearly tend to cut back on their ad spending and marketing budgets to be safe.

However, there is also a major opportunity in helping businesses be able to sell online or to provide delivery services. 

Digital Courses

While some people will be more cautious with their money, others will start looking for a way to earn additional income. So developing courses that teach others skills of how to earn online will pick up. Especially since people are now sitting at home for the moment.

Whether it be learning how to code, how to play an instrument, learning a language or learning to start a business, people are making the use of their extra time at home.

Immunity Supplements

The information we have about the Coronavirus is still limited. However, look for people to try and boost their well being by supplementation. This could be a great time to look into the supplement business and opportunities there.

Many supplements that boost your immune system are selling out, and given that mega doses of Vitamin C are being used to treat extreme symptoms of the disease there will be increasing demand.

Immunity & Health

You’ll also have people looking for experts on the subject of health and wellness during the pandemic, and after doing so they will want to prepare for any possible resurgence. If you are qualified for this, you could grow your following during this time. If you’re already doing this, then now would be a good time to increase your exposure and show your authority to the market.  

Currency & Stock Trading (Forex)

This isn’t for everyone, but even though other industries are shutting down or losing money – the high volatility in the markets creates an opportunity to make more money in the short term.

Interest in ‘forex’ increased during the initial economic shocks of the banking crisis, and the same appears to be happening now.

Prepper & Survival

Already a very profitable niche, expect this industry to see a boom as people in a panic try to prepare for the absolute worst.  While I don’t advocate panic buying, you will see people try to hoard and pick up supplies in bulk, but also taking steps to protect their future in general whether it be learning survival skills, outdoor living, financial preparation, securing their home, or self defense. 

Overall, this industry presents some great opportunities for both vendors and affiliates.

Home Activities for Kids

Because kids are out of school now, they’ll need things to fill their time.   Look for opportunities here in crafts, workbooks, art supplies, games, and even video games.  Also for the parents that stay at home with their children, look for more item supplies for DIY projects.

News and Media

Because people are looking to the news to keep them up to date, this would be a great time to either purchase a news site platform or develop one.  When doing so, you can also use it to sell other opportunities later as well.


Thankfully, we aren’t at a terrible place in society, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t an opportunity here either.  People are purchasing things just in case they have to stay inside so being in the food space could be ideal.  Particularly items that have a long shelf life such as canned goods, rice, etc.

Online Marketing for Businesses

Selling marketing services to businesses is one of the most lucrative online business models there is. You don’t even have to do the work yourself, as you can outsource it to another company. 

During the crisis, certain industries have been hit hard, like the travel industry for example. While some of these industries will remain, you’ll find others that will prosper greatly. 

Since this is such a powerful & robust business model that is easily accessible I will cover it in greater detail in a separate article.



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