July 19, 2022 Last Updated

How To Find A Unique Topic Angle for Your News Article And Blog Post?

The marketing campaign is one of the most important parts of how you position your brand online.It’s how you get your name out there, how you sell yourself, and how people start to know who you are. But it can be hard to know exactly what direction to go in when it comes down to creating a marketing campaign.

So, instead of sitting down and brainstorming for hours on end about what your next campaign should be about (and getting nowhere), we’ve compiled some ideas for easy topics that you can use as inspiration for your next piece of content. These topics will allow the reader or viewer to relate or connect with the content they see while also giving them an opportunity to learn something new–the perfect combination!

 What should your article be about? How can you make sure that it will be engaging and interesting for readers?

Coming Up With Ideas

The angle of an article is the unique way of looking at a topic. It’s different from a topic, because it’s what you want to say about that topic.

For example: instead of writing about how “We make great software for small businesses”, you could write about “How We Made Our Software Better For Small Businesses In 5 New Ways” or even “5 Tips For Using Our Software More Effectively In Your Small Business”.

The angle can break or make the story – so take some time to find it! There are plenty of frameworks available online (including ours) which will help get you started with ideas on angles and topics. You can use a brainstorming technique, a mind map or a content calendar to help you get started.

When it comes to finding content ideas and angles, there are a few different ways to go about it that we highly recommend:

Use a Different Location

If you are offering services in one main area, is there anywhere else nearby that you also serve?

If so, this can be a useful angle for your news article. You can write about the similarities and differences between the services at the two locations (if any), or about the different types of clients you work with in each location.

You could write a blog post about the benefits of having a presence in another city. You can write about how it helps expand your customer base and gives you more opportunities to grow as a company.

For example, if you’re a plumber and your company is based in New York City, but you also serve the surrounding areas, then write an article about how to find out whether or not a home or building is built on a swamp.

if you’re a lawyer, you might have clients in New York City, but what about the suburbs? Is there a need for lawyers outside of Manhattan? If so, maybe your marketing campaign should focus on that.

Solve A Different Problem

The number one thing to avoid is replicating what you already have. Your audience has likely seen it before. It’s important to give them something new and interesting every time.

If the majority of your posts are about dental hygiene, adding more campaigns with content related to teeth isn’t going to magically draw new readers into the fold. Instead, focus on finding angles that are unique and compelling – ones people haven’t heard before — so they will be compelled to take an interest in what you have to say.

When you’re trying to boost your business, it can be tempting to just say “I’m in the construction business,” but when you’ve got a lot of competitors and a lot of options, that’s not enough.

Look for connections between these needs and wants—this will help you find themes in them.

Your company needs something more specific than “construction” to stand out. You need an angle. An angle is a unique perspective on an industry or topic that makes the world sit up and take notice—and if you can find one that’s relevant to your business, then you’ve got an opportunity to make your business stand out from the crowd and make some serious waves.

For example, if your business is located in Los Angeles and you offer catering services for weddings, it doesn’t make sense for you to write about how many people got married there last year. You already know how many marriages took place – and if anything, it might be too much information for readers who just want to read about wedding caterers.

Use the same location as a starting point for your topic but focus on something else instead! For example: “A new cottage industry has sprung up around Los Angeles County: wedding caterers who specialize in serving couples where they live rather than bringing their trucks all over town so they can cater dozens of different receptions per night.”

Think about what makes you different from other businesses in your industry, and see if there are any interesting ways that you could highlight this difference in a way that will engage people and make them want more information.

Target A Different Audience

While you want to target people who are interested in your product, there’s no reason why you can’t sell it to new audiences. Changing the audience is a great way to diversify your topics and multiply content ideas.

Target a different demographic or different age groups: If you’re writing about health and wellness products, like protein powders or vitamins, how about writing articles for pregnant women? Or maybe busy mothers who have time-saving tips? Or even grandparents who need help with cooking their grandchildren healthy meals?

Think outside of gender boxes: There’s no reason why men should get all the sci-fi action while women get domestic dramas—there’s room for both genres of content here!

Create a Different Blog Post

Blog posts are a great way to get content out there and can be used as the basis for marketing campaigns. As in the case with news articles, you can either write them yourself or have our team produce them.

One way we can help is by doing some research on your industry so that we know what kind of information is already out there about what you do. This will help us come up with new ideas for angles and topics, as well as make sure that our article doesn’t overlap with any other content that’s already being published online about your business or industry.

Another way we can help is by asking questions related to your business or industry so that we can get ideas from those answers as well!

Unlike news articles, blog posts can be about whatever you want! You’re not limited by format, time or space constraints like you are with a news article. Both your news article and blog post need to include a headline, body paragraphs, conclusion/call-to-action (CTA).

It’s important to promote yourself in a way that is relevant to your industry. The best way to do this is to write news articles and blog posts. You can either create your own content and submit it to news outlets, or you can work with AmpiFire.

Be Creative

When it comes to choosing a topic, you’re only limited by your imagination. As long as it’s interesting and relevant to the audience you’re trying to reach, there are plenty of options. In many cases, it might be best for you to go niche: narrow down your topic area until you find an angle that isn’t being covered by anyone else.

To come up with a unique, interesting and attention-grabbing topic angle, you can share your brand’s opinion on a trending topic. You can share your article to express your opinion on an ongoing event or newsworthy story. For example, if there is a new movie coming out that has something to do with your industry, you can write an article about it and share it on high-traffic media sites to boost your exposure and brand awareness.

Or if there is a popular event that will be hosted in your area and it has some relevance to the products or services you offer, write an article about its significance and how it relates back to what you do as a business person/brand owner. Provide a new perspective on current events as an industry expert who is knowledgeable about this issue being discussed in the news cycle at large.

Look at current events and news stories in the media. Find out what’s hot right now, and see if there’s anything you can relate back to your business or brand that would get people excited about it.

If this isn’t possible (or if you don’t want to), think about who your target audience is—and what they might be interested in reading about. It could be as simple as answering questions like: “What do my clients/customers want?” or “What was trending in the media last week?”

Hopefully, this article has helped you to think about how you can come up with great topics for your articles. If you want to learn more about this topic and other writing tips, I highly recommend checking out our blog posts on content marketing.

You want to grow your business in a specific area? You want to attract the attention of a specific target audience? That’s great.

Don’t just settle for an average content marketing campaign; let us help you build a unique content plan for your brand by scheduling a free call with our team.



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