March 1, 2022 Last Updated

How To Guide Your Business Decisions During A Political Crisis & An Escalating War

This week the Russian military action on Ukraine escalated leaving us all worried for the future.

For any of us with any empathy an escalating war brings us some sadness and worry. I’m not here to speak on these events, because I’m not qualified, nor am I nearly informed enough.

What I am qualified and informed enough to speak on – is how this could affect your business, and what you might want to do.

Markets & Economy Are Hurting…

Here are some actual FACTS from a market perspective…

Most cryptocurrency portfolios are down around 50% in value, compared to recent highs (prices plunged again in response, as with the stock market).

Oil has risen in price significantly, and interestingly the Crimea conflict kicked off as Oil hit new highs in February 2014… 8 years later we are in the same situation. That’s no coincidence.

The S&P 500 continues to decline and just reached a 6 month low.

Gold has also just hit a recent high as institutional capital is moved OUT of more volatile ‘risky’ assets (stocks, crypto etc.) and into ‘safe havens’.

And people are scared and not without reason.

But all these trends were already in place BEFORE the conflict, and they are not the result… and often it’s during the worst times that things may turn around. It could get worse, but it could get better – without a crystal ball we don’t actually know for sure.

Fear, if you don’t already know, is the #1 factor that can paralyze people and lead them into panicked decisions.

I’m not immune to fear – but I have a process that helps guide me through it.

Circle Of Concern vs Control…

Take a look at this diagram…

When major world events take place, it’s very difficult not to get swept up in what’s going on – and what’s often-times completely outside your control.

It’s fine to keep informed (providing you don’t get drawn into it to a point it pulls you from your actual life)

It’s fine to feel whatever emotions it brings up.

It’s certainly fine to empathise.

But it’s not helpful to you to get caught up in the fear and become lost in something completely outside of your control.

Instead it’s important to take account of what you can actually do. What can you actually control?

I hope, if you’re reading this email, you’re still in a fortunate position to control the efforts and actions you put into your life and business.

If you’ve followed any of my training, you’ll know your daily actions that will ultimately bring you results.

It is easy to go down the news rabbit hole and lose an hour, a day… even a week.

This is where discipline comes in – even if it sounds a little cold – you simply cannot have as positive an impact on the world, if you aren’t improving your ability to do so. More often than not, putting time into growing your business will allow you to have a much bigger impact in your own life, and those around you.

Growing a business gives you options…

So what should you do during crazy or frightening times (which seem to becoming more common lately)

What Comes Next…

Nobody can tell the future.

I hope, of course, for the best possible outcome as I’m sure you do and I will stay as informed as I can.

And I will continue putting in a daily consistent effort into building my business – so I can better help myself, others and have a greater positive impact on the world, in whatever way I can.

People will still be scared.

Things may well get more difficult.

The economy may continue to shift.

But business will still be done and sales will still be made. And that is important… if we collectively paralyze or pull back it ends up hurting us all more. At the end of the day we all have our own fight… whether it’s for our family, our business, or something else.

Quite often during times of uncertainty, it is the exact right time to lean in, adapt and push harder, because the world will never stay the same, but you can always make an effort.

So it is more important now than at any other time, to stay the course, focus on what must be accomplished and put what you can control to good use.

In fact while many others get lost in panic or confusion, get glued to the news, or simply ‘hold-off’ it gives you the chance to move ahead.

While the unfortunate conflict is not something I can solve… I can continue to help you in your business…

Next week I’m going to talk about SEO (and why it’s mostly B.S.) and releasing a new Ampcast episode. There’s also a niche which will be more popular as a result of the current uncertainty.

I wish you the very best for the weekend – and I’ll be in touch soon.



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