August 21, 2024 Last Updated

WebinarKit Automated Webinar Platform: Features, Benefits & Pricing – A Comprehensive Guide

Article at-a-glance: 

– WebinarKit allows businesses to create automated webinars that run 24/7, engaging audiences without live presentations.

– WebinarKit offers three powerful solutions: automated webinars, live webinars, and white label options for branding.

– Key features include advanced analytics, scheduling options, customization, email follow-ups, and CRM integrations.

– WebinarKit is ideal for course creators, coaches, and businesses looking to automate their sales and marketing efforts.

– The pricing ranges from $8.91/mo (billed annually; with coupon applied) to $497 (one-time payment), depending on the solutions and pricing plans you’re choosing.

Webinars have become an essential tool in the marketing arsenal – it’s a unique way to engage with audiences, provide valuable content, and drive sales. 

According to the Content Marketing Institute (CMI), more than half of marketers surveyed in the Outlook for 2024 research said that in-person events and webinars are the best distribution channels to get results

Given the importance of webinars, choosing the right platform can make a huge difference – and WebinarKit aims to provide a usable, no-nonsense option.

What is WebinarKit?

WebinarKit is an all-in-one webinar automation platform designed to help businesses create high-converting marketing funnels, run simulated live webinars, and sell and remarket to leads—all within one powerful tool.

With a 4.8 rating on G2 and trusted by over 18,000 businesses, the platform combines automated webinars, live webinars, and white-label options, making it a versatile solution for various business needs.

Screenshot showing WebinarKit’s ratings.
WebinarKit has an impressive 4.8-star rating on G2.

Key Capabilities

WebinarKit offers several key capabilities that make it a valuable tool for businesses:

  • Automated webinars that run 24/7
  • Live webinars with real-time engagement features
  • White label options for custom branding
  • Advanced analytics to track performance
  • Email and SMS follow-up capabilities
  • Integrations with top CRMs and email platforms

Ideal Users of WebinarKit

WebinarKit is designed for a wide range of users, including:

  • Business Owners: Entrepreneurs looking to sell high-end products or services and generate leads can automate their sales processes through webinars.
  • Coaches and Consultants: Professionals who want to sell their services online can use WebinarKit to create engaging presentations that build trust and convert viewers into clients.
  • Course Creators: Individuals or organizations offering online courses can utilize the platform to market and sell their educational content effectively.
  • Service Providers and Agencies: Agencies aiming to attract new clients can benefit from the automated webinar funnels to showcase their offerings and expertise.
  • SaaS Business Owners: Companies providing software solutions can use webinars to demonstrate their products and attract more users.
  • Affiliate Marketers: Those promoting high-end offers can use automated webinars to effectively market and sell products without continuous live presentations.
  • Real Estate Agents: Professionals in real estate can use webinars to present properties and market their services to potential buyers.

WebinarKit’s 3 Powerful Solutions: Automated & Live Webinars & White Label

WebinarKit offers three powerful solutions to cater to different needs: automated webinars, live webinars, and white-label options. 

WebinarKit (Automated Webinars)

Automated webinars are the core offering of WebinarKit. 

This solution allows users to set up pre-recorded evergreen webinars that can run continuously without the need for live presentations. 

It automates webinars by allowing you to upload pre-recorded videos, set up schedules, and customize the webinar experience. You can create a seamless flow that mimics a live event, complete with interactive elements and calls to action.

Key features include:

  • Unlimited Webinars and Attendees: Users can create as many webinars as they want, accommodating an unlimited number of participants.
  • Flexible Scheduling Options: The platform supports various formats, including “like-live” events, just-in-time webinars, and multi-day series, providing versatility in how webinars are presented.
  • Built-in Marketing Tools: WebinarKit includes a drag-and-drop funnel builder, customizable registration pages, and automated follow-up emails and SMS, which enhance attendee engagement and conversion rates.
  • Engagement Features: Users can incorporate live chat, question boxes, and visual offers during their webinars to boost interaction and sales conversions.
  • Analytics and Insights: The platform provides comprehensive analytics to track registration rates, attendance, and engagement metrics, allowing users to optimize their webinars effectively. 

Screenshot of WebinarKit webinar funnel feature.
WebinarKit allows users to set up webinar funnels that can generate leads and sales on autopilot.

WebinarKit Live (Live Webinars)

The WebinarKit Live solution enables users to host live webinars seamlessly and is perfect for those who prefer real-time interaction with their audience. 

It’s also ideal for: 

  • Product launches and demos
  • Q&A sessions with experts
  • Interactive workshops and training sessions

WebinarKit Live includes features such as:

  • Live Webinars: Run fully live webinars with ease.
  • Funnel Builder: Create and customize high-converting webinar funnels quickly.
  • Multi-Presenter Support: Host up to 4 presenters simultaneously.
  • Engagement Tools: Includes live chat, polls, handouts, and emoji-interactive chatting.
  • Sales Tools: Display offers, countdown timers, and customizable calls to action during webinars.
  • Streaming Options: Stream live events to Facebook, YouTube, and other platforms.
  • Analytics: Comprehensive analytics to track attendee behavior, conversion rates, etc.
  • Recording and Replay: Automatically record live webinars with customizable replay pages.
  • Device Compatibility: Works seamlessly on all devices without the need for plugins.
  • Email and SMS Notifications: Send automated emails and SMS notifications to registrants and attendees.
  • Integration: Integrates with major email marketing platforms and supports Zapier for additional integrations.
  • Multilingual Support: Customize content in multiple languages across all webinar components.
  • Meeting and Sales Call Handling: Includes features for handling meetings and sales calls.
  • AI Tools: Built-in AI tools to assist in writing webinar pages and email copy.
  • Training and Support: Includes tutorials and a private community for user support and feature suggestions.

Screenshot of WebinarKit Live’s engagement features.
Users can use features like live chat and a questions box to boost engagement during the live event.

WebinarKit White Label (Custom brand WebinarKit to own solution)

The WebinarKit White Label solution allows businesses to custom-brand the platform as their own software – allowing them to resell it under their own name.  

This means you can change colors, logos, and even domain names to ensure that your webinars align perfectly with your brand identity. This is particularly beneficial for agencies or businesses that want to maintain a consistent brand experience across all touchpoints.

White-labeling WebinarKit offers several advantages:

  • Maintains brand consistency and professional image – are crucial for brand recognition and trust.
  • Provides a seamless experience for your audience, making the transition from your website to the webinar platform smooth.

Here are the key features of the white-label solution: 

  • Sub Accounts Management: Create and manage sub-accounts for your clients or customers, enabling them to use the software independently under your brand.
  • Various Webinar Types: Host unlimited automated and live webinars, challenges, VSL funnels, and virtual events. Supports one-day, multi-day, and webinar series formats.
  • Integration Options: Seamless integration with HighLevel and other CRMs through Zapier and API, enhancing functionality and appeal.
  • Unbranded Support and Tutorials: Includes unbranded help desk and tutorials, allowing you to support clients without mentioning WebinarKit.
  • Scalability: Flexible plans with options for different numbers of sub-accounts (25, 50, 200), catering to varying business needs.
  • Marketing and Sales Tools: Built-in funnel builder, email & SMS follow-ups, webinar replay pages, chat room customization, and AI-powered webinar script generation.
  • Training and Community: Access to WebinarKit Academy for webinar marketing strategies, fill-in-the-blank webinar templates, and a private community for support and updates.
  • Payment Integration: Supports payment handling via PayPal or Stripe for selling your branded software and services.
  • Ease of Use: User-friendly interface designed for ease of setup and management, suitable for beginners without technical skills.

Screenshot of WebinarKit White Label’s branding features.
You just need to use a simple dashboard to control your branding details, manage sub-accounts, and set up webinars for them.

Pros/Advantages of WebinarKit

Automation Efficiency

One of the biggest advantages of WebinarKit is its automation capabilities. By automating your webinars, you can save a significant amount of time and effort. You don’t have to present live repeatedly, which frees you up to focus on other important tasks.

Ease of Use

WebinarKit is designed to be user-friendly, even for those who are not tech-savvy. The platform has a straightforward interface and intuitive drag-and-drop builder, making it easy to set up and customize your webinars.

Besides that, WebinarKit provides comprehensive tutorials and support to help you get started quickly and make the most of its features.

Screenshot of WebinarKit webinar funnel settings page.
Creating a new automated webinar funnel is easy with the platform’s interface.

Cost Savings

Compared to other webinar platforms, WebinarKit offers a cost-effective solution. With its all-in-one pricing, you get access to a wide range of features without having to pay for multiple tools. This can result in significant cost savings in the long run.

For example, WebinarKit’s pricing plans typically range from $8.91/mo (billed annually; with coupon applied) to $497 (one-time payment), depending on the WebinarKit solutions and pricing plans of your choice. This is often more affordable than other platforms that charge separately for different features.

24/7 Sales and Engagement

With automated webinars, you can engage with your audience and generate sales 24/7. This means that you can reach a global audience and provide value at any time, even while you sleep.

This continuous engagement helps to keep your audience interested and increases the chances of converting them into customers. 

Cons/Drawbacks of WebinarKit

While WebinarKit offers many benefits, it’s important to consider some of the potential drawbacks as well. Here are a few cons to keep in mind.

Learning Curve

Although WebinarKit is user-friendly, there is still a learning curve involved, especially if you are new to webinar platforms. It may take some time to familiarize yourself with all the features and get the most out of the platform.

However, WebinarKit provides comprehensive tutorials and support to help you overcome this learning curve and make the most of its features.

Screenshot of WebinarKit’s knowledge base.
You can check out similar tutorials like the one above on their knowledge base

Limitations in Customization

While WebinarKit has a good level of customization, it may not be as flexible as some other platforms. For example, you may have limited options for customizing the look and feel of your webinar pages beyond the provided templates. 

This may be a drawback if you have very specific branding requirements or want to create a highly customized webinar experience.

Potential Technical Issues

As with any online platform, there is always the potential for technical issues. This could include problems with video playback, connectivity issues, or other technical glitches.

It’s important to have a backup plan in place and be prepared to address any technical issues that may arise during your webinars. 

Additionally, ensure that you have a reliable internet connection and test your setup before going live to minimize potential problems.

WebinarKit Pricing Structure

WebinarKit’s pricing differs based on the different solutions available (e.g., Live, White Label) as well as the subscription package (monthly or annual.) For detailed pricing information, please visit the sales page.

WebinarKit Alternatives

Though WebinarKit has many powerful features, you must consider other options to find the best fit for your needs. Here are three notable alternatives to WebinarKit, along with a comparison of what makes WebinarKit advantageous over them:


EverWebinar is a popular platform for creating automated webinars, allowing users to set up evergreen webinars that can run indefinitely.

  • Pros
    • Offers robust automation features and integrations with various marketing tools.
    • Provides detailed analytics and reporting.
  • Cons
    • Higher pricing structure with recurring monthly fees.
    • Some users report a steeper learning curve compared to WebinarKit.
  • WebinarKit Advantage: WebinarKit offers a one-time payment option, eliminating ongoing subscription costs, and making it more budget-friendly in the long run. Additionally, its user-friendly interface allows for quicker setup and less complexity.

Zoom Events and Webinars

Zoom is widely recognized for its video conferencing capabilities, and its webinar feature allows for both live and automated presentations.

  • Pros
    • Strong brand recognition and reliability with a large user base.
    • Excellent for real-time interaction and engagement.
  • Cons
    • Primarily focused on live events, with less emphasis on automation.
    • Pricing can be high, especially for larger audiences.
  • WebinarKit Advantage: WebinarKit specializes in automated webinars, providing features that facilitate selling and marketing without the need for constant live interactions. Its pricing model is also more straightforward, with no hidden fees for larger audiences.


WebinarJam is another established platform for hosting live and automated webinars, known for its extensive feature set.

  • Pros
    • Has a wide range of interactive features, such as polls and surveys.
    • Good customer support and community resources.
  • Cons
    • Monthly subscription fees can add up over time.
    • Some users find the platform to be less intuitive.
  • WebinarKit Advantage: WebinarKit’s one-time payment structure and focus on ease of use make it appealing for users who prefer a straightforward setup process without ongoing costs. Its automation capabilities are designed to maximize sales with minimal effort.
Screenshot showing the difference in pricing between WebinarKit and its close competitors.
WebinarKit has the most affordable pricing when compared to its competitors. 

Final Verdict

WebinarKit stands out as a powerful and cost-effective solution for businesses looking to automate their webinars. Its comprehensive feature set, ease of use, and flexible pricing make it an attractive option for various users.

Whether you’re a course creator, coach, or business owner, WebinarKit provides the tools you need to engage your audience and drive sales. The platform’s ability to run automated webinars 24/7 ensures that you can reach a global audience and provide value at any time.

Based on the features and pricing, here’s who would benefit the most from WebinarKit:

  • Course Creators: Ideal for delivering content efficiently and engaging students.
  • Coaches: Perfect for hosting interactive sessions and nurturing client relationships.
  • Businesses: Great for automating sales and marketing efforts, providing consistent messaging, and generating leads.

Try WebinarKit Today



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