June 4, 2023 Last Updated

How To Add Product Catalogs to Google My Business | Category Edit, Bulk Upload & Image Customization

Article at-a-glance:

- Unveil the power of adding an online product catalog to your Google My Business (GMB) listing. 

- By enhancing customer experience, increasing visibility, and attracting new prospects, you can gain a competitive edge and take your brand to new heights.

- By optimizing your GMB listing, you can captivate your audience, and drive more sales.

- You can bring traffic and potential customers directly to your local business by adding an online product catalog. You can boost your brand's visibility, enhance customer experience, and attract new prospects.

Having a compelling online persona is more than an add-on; it’s a key component of any modern business’ success. It’s not just about having a flashy website. Your business should be visible on powerful directories such as Google My Business.

Did you know? 75 percent of people who stumble across local business information in search results visit the store.

It’s not enough to simply be listed on GMB. The key to staying ahead of the competition is to use every opportunity that portrays your business in a positive light. You can achieve this by adding an interactive product catalog to your GMB listing. This increases your chances of turning a visitor into a buyer by enhancing their understanding of your offerings.

Ready to unlock the potential of your GMB listing? Using this guide, you’ll learn how to add product catalogs to Google My Business, amend categories, and customize bulk images.

What Is Google My Business?

Google My Business (GMB) is a free tool that allows brands and businesses to create and manage their online presence across Google. This includes Google search and Google maps.

Your GMB listing appears when someone searches for your business or a related keyword on Google.

This listing includes all relevant information about your business. Things such as your business name, address, phone number, website, and hours of operation.

With a Google My Business account, businesses can manage their information, interact with customers and share information about your promotions. Additionally, GMB provides insights on how people are finding and interacting with your business.

Having a GMB listing is essential for any business with a physical location as it allows customers to easily find and contact you. It also helps improve your online presence and can drive traffic to your website and physical store.

Boost Your Brand’s Online Presence & Sales with a GMB Catalog: Benefits You Can’t Ignore

Adding a catalog of your products to your Google My Business listing is a great way to enhance your brand’s online presence and generate more sales.

Adding an online catalog on GMB helps you reach new customers who are looking for products like yours. It gives them more information about your offerings before they buy.

Here are some key benefits of adding a product catalog to your GMB listing:

  • Increased visibility: When you add a catalog to your GMB account, your business will show up in Google’s product search results, which can help attract new customers to your website.
  • Improved user experience: A catalog lets customers see what products you have available and learn more about them, which can help increase their confidence in making a purchase.
  • Cost-effective marketing: Adding a catalog to your GMB listing is a free way to promote your products and attract more sales without spending any extra money on advertising.
  • Better customer engagement: With a catalog, you can answer questions and provide more information about your products to potential customers, building trust and improving your relationships with them.
  • Competitive advantage: Having a catalog on your GMB listing can give you an edge over businesses that don’t have one, making you stand out and draw in more customers.

How to Add Catalogs to Google My Business?

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you add catalogs to Google My Business:

Step 1: Log in to your Google My Business account and select the location you want to add a product catalog for.

Step 2: Click on the “Products” tab on the left-hand side of the screen.

Step 3: Click on the “Add Products” button and select “Create a product.”

Step 4: Add a product name, description, and image. You can also include more details such as price, availability, and product category.

Step 5: Click “Save” to add the product to your catalog.

Step 6: Repeat steps 3-5 for each product you want to add to your catalog.

How To Edit Your Business Category on Google My Business?

Editing categories is another essential step in optimizing your Google My Business listing.

Accurate categories help customers find your business more easily and improve your search ranking.

To edit your categories, log in to your Google My Business account, select the location you want to manage, and click on the “Info” tab. From there, you can edit your primary and more categories, making sure they accurately reflect your business.

When it comes to editing your product categories, make sure to choose the most specific category possible. For example, instead of choosing “Clothing,” choose “Men’s Clothing” or “Women’s Clothing” to help your products show up in more targeted searches.

When uploading images, make sure they are high-quality and relevant to your business. Use descriptive file names and include relevant keywords in the file name, such as “bakery-cakes.jpg” instead of “IMG1234.jpg.”

How To Bulk Upload Products To Your Google My Business?

If you’re running a business, you know how much of a pain it can be to manually add each product to your Google My Business listing. That’s why Google has made it easy to upload your products in bulk, which can save you a ton of time and hassle.

With bulk product uploads, you can add many products to your Google My Business listing at once.

All you need to do is create a CSV file that includes all the necessary information for each product, such as its name, description, price, and category.

Then, you can upload that file to your Google My Business account, and all the products will be added automatically.

This is especially helpful if you have a large inventory or frequently update your products. Instead of spending hours adding each product , you can simply upload a CSV file and have all your products added at once.


If you’re tired of manually adding your products to Google My Business, give bulk product uploads a try. It’s a quick and easy way to get your products listed on one of the most popular search engines out there.

How To Optimize Your Images For GMB Categories?

Are you wondering how to make your product images look their best on Google My Business?

Here are some tips and tricks to help you out! First off, did you know that you can customize your images and edit the categories for your products?

This is a great way to make sure that your products are displayed in the most relevant searches.

To customize your images, you can use photo editing tools to adjust the brightness, contrast, and saturation. You can also add text overlays or logos to your images.

You can use Google’s built-in editing tools to crop, rotate, or adjust the brightness and contrast of your images.

FAQ: What is the recommended Google My Business product image size?

It is recommended to use a high-quality product image with a small size of 720 x 720 pixels. But, it is also important to note that Google My Business may display the image in different sizes and aspect ratios depending on the device and context.

To ensure that the product image looks its best in all situations, it is a good idea to use a clear and focused image with good lighting and minimal distractions.

Additionally, here are some tips for optimizing images for Google My Business:

  • Use high-quality images
  • Use relevant file names and include keywords.
  • Include images of your products, services, and team to showcase your business.
  • Use Google’s built-in editing tools to enhance your images.
  • Regularly update your images to keep your listing fresh and up-to-date.

By following these tips and optimizing your images and categories, you can improve your Google My Business listing’s visibility and attract more customers to your business.

Things to Avoid With Your GMB Profile

When creating your Google My Business profile, there are certain things that you will want to avoid doing. They can either create confusion or make the customer experience more difficult.

1. Inaccurate information

Make sure all the information on your GMB listing is accurate and up-to-date. This includes your business name, address, phone number, website, and hours of operation. Inaccurate information can confuse potential customers and hurt your business’s credibility.

2. Keyword stuffing

Avoid stuffing your GMB listing with irrelevant keywords in an attempt to improve your search engine ranking. This is against Google’s guidelines and can result in your listing being penalized or removed.

3. Fake reviews

Don’t post fake reviews or incentivize customers to leave positive reviews. This is against Google’s guidelines and can result in your listing being penalized or removed. Don’t hesitate to ask real business customers to leave a review on your GMB listing: positive reviews can improve your business’s visibility and credibility.

4. Duplicate listings

Don’t create many listings for the same business location. This can confuse customers and hurt your business’s visibility and credibility.

5. Neglecting your listing

Make sure to regularly update your GMB listing with new information and respond to customer reviews and messages. Neglecting your listing can hurt your business’s online reputation and turn potential customers away.

Can I List My Products on Google for Free?

Yes, adding a product catalog to your Google My Business listing is completely free. But, there are advertising options available on Google, such as Google Shopping, that allow you to promote your products to a larger audience.

While Google’s advertising options can be a powerful tool for reaching a larger audience, they do need a budget.

If you’re looking for alternative ways to promote your products, consider leveraging the power of content marketing.

Creating high-quality blog content and optimizing it for search engines can help attract potential customers to your website. By providing value through informative and engaging content, you can establish your business as an authority in your industry and build trust with your audience.

AmpiFire is a platform that allows you to promote your business and products on many channels. This can help you reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your website, without the need for a large advertising budget.

If you’re interested in learning more about how content marketing and AmpFire can help boost your GMB’s visibility and attract new customers to your website and business physical location, check out our article on the Amplifire Effect.

How To Boost GMB Presence in Google Maps And Increase Product Catalog Sales with AmpiFire

When you add a product catalog to your Google My Business listing, you can enhance your online visibility and increase your chances of converting leads into sales.

With a product catalog added to your Google My Business (GMB) listing, you can enhance your online visibility and drive traffic to your local business. You increase your chances of converting leads into sales by showcasing your products or services directly within the GMB platform.

Your GMB product catalog acts as a magnet, attracting potential customers who are actively searching for businesses like yours.

A product catalog can be easily set up and optimized to maximize the impact of your GMB listing. You provide a seamless browsing experience for your potential customers by including high-quality images, detailed product descriptions, and accurate pricing information in your catalog.

You can significantly increase your bottom line by optimizing your product catalog with the right techniques.

With these tips and tricks, you can take your business’s online presence to a higher level and attract more customers than ever before. If you want to learn how you can attract more traffic, clicks and sales and grow your business, book an appointment with our team.



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