Claude Sonnet
October 14, 2024 Last Updated

How to Make Long Slide Decks in Claude Sonnet…

Creating long slide decks can be time-consuming, but with Claude Sonnet, the process becomes much smoother. 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to efficiently build engaging, comprehensive slide decks using Claude Sonnet’s user-friendly features. 

Whether you’re preparing a presentation for work or a detailed project, this tool will help you streamline your efforts!

1. Create a slide deck with template data that can be replaced. 

Use app scripts to do this:

For title and 3 bullet points in slides:

function createSlidesWithTitleAndBullets() {
  var presentationId = "CHANGE TO PRESENTATION ID";  // Provided Presentation ID
  var presentation = SlidesApp.openById(presentationId);

  // Define the format for title and bullet placeholders
  var titlePlaceholder = "{{slide{number}_title}}";
  var bullet1Placeholder = "• " + "{{slide{number}_bullet1}}";  // Use bullet symbol
  var bullet2Placeholder = "• " + "{{slide{number}_bullet2}}";
  var bullet3Placeholder = "• " + "{{slide{number}_bullet3}}";

  // Start from the second slide (since the first already exists)
  for (var i = 2; i <= 10; i++) { // Adjust the loop for the number of slides you need
	// Create a new slide using the default TITLE_ONLY layout
	var slide = presentation.appendSlide(SlidesApp.PredefinedLayout.TITLE_ONLY);

	// Set the title text in the centered title placeholder
	var titleShape = slide.getPlaceholder(SlidesApp.PlaceholderType.TITLE);
	if (titleShape) {
  	titleShape.asShape().getText().setText(titlePlaceholder.replace("{number}", i));

	// Create a new text box below the title for bullet points
	var bulletTextBox = slide.insertTextBox("", 100, 200, 400, 150);  // Position and size of the text box

	// Insert bullet points as a single block of text using bullet symbols
  	bullet1Placeholder.replace("{number}", i) + "\n" +
  	bullet2Placeholder.replace("{number}", i) + "\n" +
  	bullet3Placeholder.replace("{number}", i)

You should get an output like this:

You can just use that template, but I documented it so you can play with different styles as we could greatly improve this.

2. Use the projects ‘webinar’ app which is trained on writing webinars.

Once you have a great outline and you are happy, you are ready for step 3. 

Providing Claude with Instructions

We trained our Claude project with loads of useful info on building an effective webinar.

You can actually copy and paste our entire article on Alex Hormozi’s webinar persuasion techniques into Claude as instructions to follow when creating a slide deck.

You can also attach your product’s sales page; this lets Claude pull in key details and benefits, making the slides more focused and persuasive.

Here’s a simple prompt you can use in Claude:

You are a talented sales webinar script writer. Create the entire slide deck outline in simple text format with title, and 3 bullets per slide. Provide the output in markdown format. The slide deck to create is about [X], and I'd like you to focus on [Y]. Create over 100 slides. I've also attached information on the product for inspiration.

3. Then ask for the webinar presentation in a CSV format like follows:

Title and sentence:

{{title}},This is the title {{subtitle}},This is the subtitle {{slide1_title}},This is the title of the first slide {{slide1_body}},This is the body of the first slide {{slide2_title}},This is the title of the second slide {{slide2_body}},This is the body of the second slide


Title & 3 bullet points:

{{title}},This is the title {{subtitle}},This is the subtitle {{slide1_title}},This is the title of the first slide {{slide1_bullet1}},This is the first bullet point of the first slide {{slide1_bullet2}},This is the second bullet point of the first slide {{slide1_bullet3}},This is the third bullet point of the first slide {{slide2_title}},This is the title of the second slide {{slide2_bullet1}},This is the first bullet point of the second slide {{slide2_bullet2}},This is the second bullet point of the second slide {{slide2_bullet3}},This is the third bullet point of the second slide {{slide3_title}},This is the title of the third slide {{slide3_bullet1}},This is the first bullet point of the third slide {{slide3_bullet2}},This is the second bullet point of the third slide {{slide3_bullet3}},This is the third bullet point of the third slide

It’s unlikely you get a complete file and may need to piece it together for a long presentation.

Once done open the CSV file in Google Sheets.

4. Within that Google Sheet Go to Extensions > Ad Scripts

Now run the code:

function fillTemplate() {

 // Id of the slides template
 // Remember to replace this with the Id of your presentation

 // Open the presentation
 var presentation = SlidesApp.openById(PRESENTATION_ID);

 // Read data from the spreadsheet
 var values = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getDataRange().getValues();

 // Replace template variables in the presentation with values
 values.forEach(function(row) {
   var templateVariable = row[0]; // First column contains variable names
   var templateValue = row[1]; // Second column contains values
   presentation.replaceAllText(templateVariable, templateValue);


This code will then use your Google Sheet and insert the data into the chosen Google Slide template.

Or you can watch the entire process of creating slide decks using Claude in this video!

Wrapping it All Up

Fortunately, with AmpiFire, creating and sharing multimedia content like slideshows, news articles, blog posts, infographics, podcasts, and videos is effortless. 

Our powerful content amplification tool increases your reach by distributing these campaigns, known as “Amps,” across high-traffic sites, blogs, and social media.

Book an appointment with AmpiFire today



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