July 25, 2024 Last Updated

MarketingBlocks All-In-One AI Marketing Assistant: Features, Benefits & Pricing – An In-Depth Analysis

Article at-a-glance: 

MarketingBlocks is positioned as an all-in-one AI marketing assistant capable of copywriting, video creation, image generation, voice acting, and cloning, among other features.

Features and Benefits: It offers a comprehensive set of AI-powered marketing tools in one dashboard – making subscriptions to other platforms redundant.

Pricing: Its basic plan starts at $47 per month, with discounts available for annual payments.

Pros & Cons: MarketingBlocks’ claim of being an all-in-one AI assistant is warranted. The platform is easy to use and requires zero coding skills. However, the trial period could be longer, and the output still lacks the sophistication of material produced by real artists and writers.

Alternatives: While MarketingBlocks’ segment is quite novel, it may still face competition from pioneers like Jasper AI, Canva, and Unbounce, among others.

Market research companies like this one, this one, and this one are all saying the same thing: artificial intelligence (AI) is only going to get bigger and is expected to register a double-digit growth rate this decade. And the first ones to benefit from this growth are marketers and growing businesses like us. 

The rapid developments in the field of AI have blessed us with incredible tools, whose capabilities no one would have thought possible three years ago. Take, for example, these all-in-one marketing software platforms that promise to accomplish what usually requires the effort of an entire ad or marketing agency.

The latest entrant to this subsector is MarketingBlocks designed by medical doctor turned marketing technologist Ifiok Nkem. 

In terms of presentation, we think that Ifior knocked it out of the park with a sleek-looking platform that truly looks modern and professional. 

But what’s more important is whether MarketingBlocks can do what Ifior claims – and if it can do those things better than humans.

We’re marketers by trade and by heart, so this piqued our interest. 

Here’s what we discovered after testing MarketingBlocks for a week.

What is MarketingBlocks?

MarketingBlocks is a digital marketing agency-in-a-box type of software that leverages the numerous generative AI models released recently. 

Its creator positions it as an AI assistant capable of “handling a myriad of marketing tasks,” including writing, video creation, logo design, and even tasks that typically require creative talent, such as voice acting and presentations.

MarketingBlocks is being positioned as an all-in-one AI assistant that can handle multiple marketing tasks. 

How MarketingBlocks Can Benefit Marketers and Small Businesses

How many software subscriptions do you think small businesses have on average? Ten? Twenty? Try 253, according to a recent study.

That staggering figure isn’t surprising to marketers like us because we’ve probably lost count of how many subscriptions we have—and how much we’re spending to maintain them. (Maybe the finance department knows the exact number.)

Now, imagine how much you could save and add to your profits by halving that number—or even reducing your marketing-related subscriptions by 90-95%. This is where we think MarketingBlocks shines.

For both SMBs and marketing agencies, MarketingBlocks doesn’t just eliminate the need to reduce subscription spend massively – but also the need for freelancers and agencies who charge hundreds to thousands of dollars per project. 

But more importantly, what the platform offers you is a means to stay competitive–agile–in a fast-moving AI-crazed industry… without the crazy spending. 

Because let’s face it–it’s going to be incredibly hard to thrive out there with AI adoption climbing and businesses (your competitors) finding new and creative ways to derive value from the tech

MarketingBlocks Features

When Ifiok and his team said they wanted this to be the only software marketers and SMB owners need, they were not kidding. In terms of features, there’s a lot to break down here.

Here’s what your single subscription to MarketingBlocks will give you access to:

  • Page Builder: Lets you create conversion-focused landing pages without any writing, designing, or coding needed.
  • Video Creator: Want to get into viral videos? This feature allows you to create them without shooting or editing skills. Just tell the AI what you need, and it finds the relevant media for you.

What’s impressive here is the sheer number of options its AI provides for video creation. For instance, if you need a voice actor, MarketingBlocks generates the voice-over for you, including an image of the actor.

MarketingBlocks can generate AI spokespersons. 

  • AI Copywriter and Designer: The same no-code, no-effort principle applies to MarketingBlocks’s design options. The AI will generate the image you described in your prompt.
  • Resources: Like any other sophisticated software, mastering MarketingBlocks will result in better work. Ifiok understands this need and has created resources to help users unlock the full capabilities of the platform.

As of this writing, the MarketingBlocks Academy has 70 videos that teaches everything from upscaling images to setting up payment gateways.

Pros/Advantages of MarketingBlocks 

There’s a lot to love about MarketingBlocks if you’re a marketer. In our short time with it, here are the features that stood out:

  • All-in-one-ness: This is the first thing you’ll notice. We loved that even features you might not be thinking of using (voice cloning, anyone?) are included just in case you need them.
  • Ease of Use: Despite its sophistication, MarketingBlocks is surprisingly easy to use, which is a real plus since the last thing you need in an all-in-one AI assistant is more effort on your part.
  • The Price: Subscription plans start at just $47. Think about it: no more paying hundreds of dollars for different software services—$47 monthly is all you need.
  • Royalty-Free Library: MarketingBlocks has a huge asset library of stock images, fonts, videos, objects, etc., that are royalty-free. No need to purchase the rights to use a photo for your brochure or ad campaign—ever.

Some of the royalty-free design assets available on the platform. 

  • Resource Galore: Beyond the software, the resources are equally impressive. We’ve already mentioned the resource library, but we haven’t mentioned the coaching you’ll get when you subscribe to the premium plans.
  • Evolution: We like what we see now, but Ifiok and his team say they’re not done yet. New tools are in the pipeline, and better AI outputs are expected as part of the roadmap for MarketingBlocks. This is definitely something we’re going to keep an eye on.

Cons/Drawbacks of MarketingBlocks 

While MarketingBlocks seems to tick all the boxes, there are still areas for improvement—some of which we’ve listed below:

  • Too Short a Trial Period: The five-day trial period is just way too short.
  • Output May Seem So-So to Some: If you’re a seasoned copywriter or artist, the output may seem too simplistic—but then again, you’re probably not the target audience for this software.
  • Some Editing Still Required: The annoying AI-isms that you encounter with tools like ChatGPT are still present here. So if you’re concerned about brand voice and human-sounding content, you’ll still need to do some rewriting.
  • No White Labeling: Again, not a straight-up con, but that option should be a given for this type of offering.

MarketingBlocks Pricing Structure 

As mentioned earlier, MarketingBlocks’ starter plan begins at $47 per month. As expected, the features available with this plan are quite limited (20 projects, 10 videos, no team account), but it may be enough for those with minimal marketing requirements. Power users, of course, should opt for an enterprise account, which offers unlimited access to everything the platform has to offer.

The only tip we can give you is to purchase annually if you can to get two months free.

MarketingBlocks’ subscription plans can be paid on a monthly or yearly basis. 

MarketingBlocks Alternatives

Not quite convinced about getting MarketingBlocks and are still considering other options? We’ve listed below some alternatives you can try. Keep in mind, however, that not all are as feature-packed as MarketingBlocks:

  • Jasper AI: One of the first to bring AI into the creative industry. Unlike MarketingBlocks, Jasper AI focuses primarily on content.
  • Canva: Canva is to design what Jasper AI is to copywriting. Canva has democratized design and made it accessible to non-artists and has recently incorporated AI to handle image generation.
  • ChatGPT: The free version is okay for text generation. If you want DALL·E and GPT-4, you need to get the premium version for $20 per month. You’ll need separate subscriptions for video creation and landing page building, though.
  • Unbounce: A zero-code, drag-and-drop landing page builder with AI copywriting incorporated. This should be enough if you’re just after those two features.
  • AI Collective: This one is not out yet, but it may be worth watching. Creator Todd Gross claims that this tool will give access to 50 AI models with one subscription. We’ll soon see how this stacks up against MarketingBlocks.

Final Verdict

It’s easy to glean from our short write-up that we thoroughly enjoyed our time with the platform. 

We’re particularly impressed with how Ifiok managed to pack his creation with all the AI models necessary to do what he claims the platform can do. We also love the fact that he added features that we never thought we would need and now will look for in similar offerings that might come our way—so yeah, it somehow managed to create a benchmark of sorts.

The drawbacks are pretty minor, as we’ve discussed, and we’re confident that they’ll get ironed out this second half of the year or early 2025.

Is this the AI marketing assistant to rule them all? Do you really need to ask?



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