podcast advertising
August 21, 2023 Last Updated

Podcast Ads & Sponsorship Benefits: Examples for Ecom Brands

Article at-a-glance: 

- Brands are strategically using podcasts for "click-building" by embedding valuable, contextually relevant links in content, summaries, and transcripts.

- Successful podcast advertising campaigns utilize targeted podcast choices like Spotify Ad Studio, AdvertiseCast, and others; storytelling, promo codes, and continuous monitoring for optimization.

- Brands like Blue Apron, Athletic Greens, Dollar Shave Club, Casper, and Macy's have seen significant success with podcast advertising.

- Using AmpiFire, brands can create unique audio content, such as mini-podcasts, to spotlight their offerings and engage with the audience.

What if you could attract profitable new customers or nurture existing customers by podcast advertising?

If your business needs a boost, podcast marketing can be the perfect opportunity.

Keep reading this guide to learn how and why podcast marketing can promote your online store.

Podcast Advertising: Stats, Trends, & 2024 Insights

In recent years, podcasting has experienced tremendous growth, with over 78 million Americans tuning in to podcasts regularly.

Moreover, ad revenue from podcasts exceeded $1 billion in 2021.

Podcasts have grown in popularity, and more people are downloading them every day. You can discover a selection of our favorite podcasts covering retail, ecommerce, and drop shipping in our top 10 e-commerce podcast recommendations.

Many brands are now launching their own podcasts or leveraging existing podcasts to promote their products and services. Yet, I’d always that you should lean on audiences that already exist instead of trying to “create your own audience/community”. Podcasting is a great example, but if you want to achieve success, you should do it as many times as possible.

As a result, podcast advertising for e-commerce brands is taking off.

Advertising has recognized podcasts as a valuable platform, especially for niche brands, due to their popularity with young, educated, and high-income listeners.
Podcast ad spending increased from 2017 to 2023, with projections estimating $3.3 billion for 2023.

Podcast advertising offers e-commerce brands the advantage of engaging directly with their target audience.

While it is easy for audiences to tune out or skip traditional advertising, podcast advertisements are seamlessly integrated into the content. Therefore the listeners are more engaged overall.

Podcast hosts often have strong connections with their audience, which creates a sense of trust and authenticity.

When a trusted podcast host endorses a product or service, it can profoundly impact the listeners’ perception. This makes them more willing to make a purchase.

Podcasts continue to grow rapidly: here are some predictions for 2023 and beyond.

Additionally, unlike TV ads or online banners, podcast advertising relies purely on audio storytelling by using:

  • Sound effects
  • Music
  • Carefully crafted scripts

Advertisers have the opportunity to create a memorable and immersive experience for the listeners. This can significantly increase the effectiveness of the advertising message and leave a lasting impression.

Podcasting As a Strategic Click-Building Tool 

While traditional link building focuses on getting more backlinks, the changing digital landscape is shifting the focus to “click-building.” It’s not just about having links, but getting genuine clicks.

By using contextually relevant links that offer real value, we recognize the value of engagement and interest. Discover more about why click-building surpasses link building.

Brands can boost their online visibility and ranking by embedding hyperlinks into their podcast content. Links should be contextually relevant to the content and offer value to the listener.

As audio and video continue to dominate podcasts, the interconnected digital ecosystem around them presents brands with a golden opportunity. 

This is not only to pepper their content with links but also to strategically place links in places where listeners are likely to engage.

With some podcast hosting platforms, you can include show notes or summaries with each episode.

For example, in the podcast summary or show note, where you summarize the content of an episode.

In this section, you can introduce bullet points emphasizing key takeaways, and link to relevant pages when necessary. This tactic incorporates hyperlinks that serve both SEO purposes and entice listeners to click.

Podcast transcripts are verbatim text representations of everything said during a podcast episode. Within these transcripts:

  • Include contextual links. The links are woven naturally into the content. Whenever a specific product or service is mentioned in your podcast episode, link to it in the transcript.
  • You should ensure that anchor text on links is descriptive. Use descriptive text rather than generic terms like “click here.”

Optimizing Podcast Content for Enhanced Discoverability

Dive into the essentials of elevating your podcast’s online presence with these proven strategies:

  • Make sure the keywords in your transcripts and summaries match the keywords you want the linked site to rank for.
  • Avoid “stuffing” the content with links. It is possible that Google and other search engines will deem this to be spammy behavior. Quality always wins over quantity.
  • Keep an eye out for broken links and fix them regularly. You can harm your SEO and user experience if you have broken links.
  • Recently, Google has improved its audio indexing and understanding. So be sure to optimize your content for audio searches in addition to text-based searches.

5 Strategies for a Successful Podcast Advertising Campaign

Creating a successful podcast advertising campaign requires careful planning and execution. Here are some strategies to help you make the most out of this marketing opportunity:

1. Target Relevant Podcasts

Your content should be aligned with the audience of prospective backlink sites. Look for shows with engaged listeners and a similar brand ethos to maximize the impact of your advertising. You can find podcasts in your niche by using tools such as Google search and Postaga.

2. Choose Host-Read Ads

As mentioned earlier, host-read ads often have a higher impact than pre-recorded ads. Work closely with podcast hosts to create personalized and genuine ad reads that resonate with their audience.

Just be careful with Bill Burr, famous for his entertaining and humorous ads during his podcasts, often injecting his comedic style into them.

Some listeners enjoy Bill Burr’s ad reads because they find them interesting and engaging. Decide for yourself…

 Advertisers should be cautious when hiring comedians like Bill Burr to read their ads, as his comedic style can often overshadow the intended message, making the ad seem more like an anti-ad.

3. Incorporate Storytelling

Instead of simply listing the features of your product or service, tell a story that captivates the listeners’ attention. Craft a narrative highlighting the problems your product solves and how it improves your target audience’s lives.

4. Use Promo Codes and Offers

Be sure to offer exclusive discounts or special promotions to podcast listeners.

Doing this helps you track the success of your ad campaign and incentivizes listeners to take action and make a purchase.

5. Promote The Podcast Content via Social Media & Email

Share your podcast episodes, along with the transcripts and summaries, on your social media channels and email newsletters.

Search engines can recognize the importance and relevance of your content based on increased traffic and engagement.

Maybe you’re wondering why you should amplify the content you have paid for…

There are a bunch of reasons why brands should amp up their ads. You can reach a wider audience by promoting podcasts on social media, like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Offering audio and the transcript ensures a wider audience engagement, catering to those who prefer reading over listening.

Plus, email promotions direct curious subscribers to recent episodes, boosting traffic even more. It’s worth noting that search engines love high user engagement, because it means the content is relevant, boosting organic rankings.

By consistently engaging with the podcast content and promoting it, you can build trust and credibility.

6. Monitor and Optimize

Track the performance of your podcast advertising campaigns closely. Monitor metrics such as:

  • Website Traffic
  • Conversion rates
  • Downloads
  • Listens
  • Impressions
  • Reach
  • Sales attributed to podcast ads

Continuously optimize your campaigns based on these insights to maximize effectiveness.

Remember, podcast advertising is a long-term marketing strategy that requires consistency and patience.

Building brand awareness and driving sales through podcast advertising takes time. With a well-designed campaign and strategic execution, you can see significant results.

4 Ways to Measure the Success of Your Podcast Advertising Campaign

Measuring podcast advertising success is just as important as any other marketing campaign.

Analyze your campaigns carefully and use this data to optimize future campaigns and measure return on investment (ROI).

1. Track Traffic &  Number of New Customers

One of the key metrics to track is the number of traffic and new customers acquired through podcast advertising.

By creating unique promo codes or dedicated landing pages for each podcast, you can easily track the number of sales or leads generated from each campaign.

This information will give you insights into which podcasts are most effective at driving conversions.

2. Monitor Engagement From Podcast Listeners

Additionally, monitoring website traffic and engagement from podcast listeners can provide valuable data. Measure the number of:

  • Visits
  • Page views
  • Time spent on your website from podcast referrals
  • The behavior of podcast listeners

You can do this by analyzing the pages they visit. This will tell you more about the content they engage with.

As a result, you’ll better understand their interests and preferences.

3. Use Customer Surveys and Feedback

Customer surveys and feedback can also help gauge the impact of your podcast advertising.

Ask new customers how they heard about your brand or products. Specifically, inquire if they came via a podcast advertisement.

Their responses will provide direct insights into the effectiveness of your podcast campaigns.

4. Track and Analyze Social Media Conversations

Lastly, consider tracking brand sentiment and online mentions. Analyze social media conversations and online reviews to understand how podcast listeners perceive your brand.

Positive mentions and recommendations from podcast listeners can significantly boost your brand’s reputation and credibility.

By regularly monitoring and analyzing these metrics, you can evaluate the success of your e-commerce podcasts. This will help you make data-backed decisions to optimize future strategies.

These strategies may include content marketing strategies or Google Ads to drive traffic to your podcast.

Remember, podcast advertising is an ongoing process of refinement and improvement. Continue to experiment, learn, and adapt your approach based on the insights gained.

8 Case Studies: Podcast Advertising Success Stories for E-commerce Brands

To truly understand the power of podcast advertising for e-commerce brands, let’s take a look at some real-life success stories:

  • Blue Apron: This meal kit service transformed into a household name with podcast ads. They spent $3.5 million on podcast ads by October 2021, up from $1 million in early 2021.
  • Athetic Greens: As per Podscribe, Athletic Greens, a wellness company, is the third-largest podcast advertiser by show count. 69% of survey respondents said podcast ads increased brand awareness, and 81% said they preferred podcast ads over other types of ads.

Athletic Greens maintains long-term relationships with podcast hosts and carefully selects influencers who fit their brand.

  • Dollar Shave Club: This renowned men’s grooming brand smartly tapped into podcast advertising. Using podcasts tailored to men’s lifestyles, Dollar Shave Club amplified its brand, attracting millions of subscribers.
  • Casper: Casper, the innovative mattress company, harnessed podcast ads to enlighten consumers about their product’s perks. Casper positioned itself as an industry leader by aligning itself with health, wellness, and sleep-themed podcasts.
  • Macy’s: An iconic department store chain, Macy’s heavily invested in podcast advertising in 2021. Between January and October, they spent $1 million, then $3.5 million by the end of the year. Their aggressive ad spend shows their faith in the medium, especially with revenue forecasted to top $2 billion.

From January to October 2021, Macy’s spent $1 million on podcast ads.
Working with podcast company, it is running branded content segments across two pods.
  • According to a survey, 69% of participants said podcast ads raised their brand, product, and service awareness.
  • The biggest surprise is that 81% of people said they’re more attuned to podcast ads than radio, TV, billboards, or even social media ads.
  • Squarespace: Squarespace bought podcast ads in The Atlantic as a frequent podcast sponsor.
  • Casper: Beyond awareness, Casper’s podcast ads educate. Their case study showed how they captivated potential buyers with podcasts and celebrity endorsements.
  • Audible: No surprises here, right? Business.com cites Audible, the audiobook giant, as an exemplar of using podcast ads to become a household name while optimizing their ad spend.

These brands got it right when it came to podcast advertising by resonating with their audience. Now, it’s your turn.

These case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of podcast advertising in reaching a specific target audience and driving tangible results.

Be sure to carefully select podcasts that align with your brand values and utilize personalized ad formats. This way, you can replicate these success stories for your e-commerce brand.

Would You Like to Buy Podcasts and Podcast Ads?

Here is a quick list of podcast advertisement networks that you can consider:

Spotify Ad StudioStarts at $250Self-serve advertising platform for audio or video campaigns across both music and podcast inventory on Spotify
AdvertiseCastVaries depending on podcast popularity, ad length, and campaign lengthPodcast advertising network that connects advertisers with podcasters
Other podcast ad networks (Midroll, Podbean, Megaphone, Stitcher, etc.)Varies depending on the network and podcast popularityPodcast advertising networks that offer different pricing models and requirements
Direct partnerships with podcastersVaries depending on the podcast and ad placement opportunitiesDirectly partnering with specific podcasters to run ads on their shows
Customized podcast ad campaignsVaries depending on the agencyAgencies that specialize in creating customized podcast ad campaigns for e-commerce brands
A quick look at the different podcast ad networks, their pricing, and requirements.

  1. Spotify Ad Studio: Spotify’s self-serve platform lets you run both audio and video campaigns. There’s more info on their website, including pricing.
  2. AdvertiseCast: Link up with podcasters on AdvertiseCast. Pricing depends on podcast reach and ad duration. Take a look at their site for more details.
  3. More Ad Networks: Consider networks like Midroll, Podbean, Megaphone, and Stitcher. There’s a different pricing structure for each, so check their websites.
  4. Direct Podcaster Partnerships: Go direct! Partner with podcasters for ad spots. Just reach out to discuss terms.
  5. Custom Campaigns via Agencies: Some agencies handle everything, from selection to distribution, for e-commerce brands. Depending on the agency, costs and details will vary.

By advertising directly on podcast apps, you ensure that the audience already knows what podcasts are.

  • Overcast: Provides non-intrusive banner ads at the bottom of the user interface. The ad runs for 30 days after the advertiser selects a podcast category.
  • Pocket Casts: This app, available on multiple platforms, offers a ‘Discover’ section for paid placements. Considering the app’s high user engagement, advertisements here can get significant visibility.
  • Podcast Addict: Similar to Overcast but offers two different ad placements. Advertisers can target specific categories or the main podcast search screen.
  • Podbay: Offers podcast promotions to their unique listener base for a day at a reasonable price.

AmpiFire Audio Distribution vs Podcasts

If you want to really take advantage of the golden opportunities in the ecommerce space, you brand must be everywhere your audience is – from blogs to videos and, yes, podcasts.

It’s not just about sneaking your ad into an existing episode.

There’s a lot of potential in creating unique audio content that champions your brand, like a mini-podcast. Don’t just think of it as a passing mention, think of it as a dedicated spotlight.

At AmpiFire, we don’t just help you advertise; we craft audio content that stands alone, amplifying your brand’s voice across multiple platforms.

Imagine not just being another ad, but having an entire mini-episode dedicated to your offerings… plus a blog post, a news article, a slideshow, and a video.

All these are good for click building and appearing for longtail searches online. This is different from running an ad on a podcast to reach that podcast’s audience.

We’re looking for omnipresence that’s meaningful and impactful. You can create custom audio content or repurpose existing materials with AmpiFire for a broader reach and higher conversions.

Ready to amplify your e-commerce game? Schedule a session with us, and let’s redefine content marketing together.



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