September 19, 2023 Last Updated

KatanaPIM vs Icecat Review: Alternative PIM Platform for Online Sellers

Article at-a-glance:

– PIM systems help businesses manage and organize product information from different sources in one central location, ensuring a consistent customer experience and faster, error-free sales.

– KatanaPIM is an easy-to-use PIM software that allows businesses to import and centralize product information from various sales channels. It offers customizable features, user role assignments, and integrations with popular e-commerce platforms.

– Icecat is a cloud-based PIM system designed for large-scale catalog management. It provides tools for managing rich product catalogs, syndicating data to partner channels, and integrating with other software through an API.

As an online seller, effectively managing your product information across various sales channels is crucial. This discourse explores Product Information Management (PIM) platforms, focusing on KatanaPIM and Icecat, to help you choose the best solution tailored to your business needs, whether you’re a small venture or part of a larger corporation.

What Is A PIM (Product Information Management) System?

A product lifecycle is complex but can be simplified with the right PIM platform.

PIM stands for Product Information Management. It’s a tool that helps businesses manage and organize all their product information from different places in one central location. 

With a PIM, you can edit and manage all your product information at once. 

PIM is important because it helps create a consistent experience for customers across all places they might interact with your products.

It can also help businesses sell their products faster and with fewer mistakes

What Are the Benefits of Using a PIM System?

A PIM system helps businesses that sell products in many places. Here are some of its benefits:

  • It puts all product information in one place, making it easier to manage and update.
  • You can get your products to market faster and save money.
  • Customers will have the same experience no matter where they buy your product.
  • Fewer people will return products because the product information is correct.
  • Your team can work better together.

For example, imagine you are selling a toy on your website and also on Amazon. If you use a PIM system, you can make sure the toy’s description, picture, and price are the same on both websites. 

That way, customers will have the same experience no matter where they buy the toy.

And let’s say you need to change the toy’s price, you only need to do it once in the PIM system instead of changing it on both websites separately.

KatanaPIM: Simplify Product Information Management Across All Sales Channels

KatanaPIM is a PIM software that helps businesses manage their product information.

With KatanaPIM, businesses can make sure their product information is consistent and up-to-date across all the places where they sell their products, whether it’s their own website, marketplaces like Amazon, or other retailers.

KatanaPIM has a very easy-to-use interface.

The Katana software is designed to be easy to use, and it lets businesses import all their product information from different sources and put it all in one place. 

This makes it easy to keep track of everything and make sure the information is complete and accurate. 

KatanaPIM also allows businesses to add additional information that might be required by different sales channels. For example, if a particular marketplace requires certain attributes like color or size, SKU numbers, businesses can add that information to their product data in KatanaPIM.

KatanaPIM also has features that allow businesses to assign different user roles, which means that different team members can work on different parts of the product data. This helps ensure that all the data is complete and accurate.

“The continuous further development gives us a good feeling. From day one, the Katana team is committed to making the way we do business easier” 

Mario Burazin, Business Development Manager at Galoha

Icecat PIM: A Cloud-Based Product Information Management System for Large-Scale Catalog Management

Icecat is a software that helps companies manage and organize information about their products. It allows businesses to store all their product information in one place, and make sure that the information is accurate. 

Icecat PIM is an all-in-one platform to manage product content.

Businesses can then share this information with other companies that they work with using Icecat tool.

Icecat has a special tool called a PIM, which is like a big computer system that helps businesses manage lots of product information all at once

This PIM can handle a lot of different types of information, like product pictures, videos, and descriptions. Businesses can also keep track of who is updating the information, and make sure that the information is accurate before it is shared with other companies.

Icecat’s PIM is especially helpful for big companies that have a lot of different products to manage.

If you want to learn more about the software, have a look at our in-depth review of the Icecat features and pricing.

“The Icecat PIM can handle millions of multimedia product data-sheets. It not only supports a supplier’s product and category managers for updating and maintain product data-sheets, but is also a secure syndication platform to provide (authorized) channel partners with the product data they need.” 

How Do KatanaPIM & Icecat Help with Selling on Marketplaces?

KatanaPIM and Icecat streamline product listings on platforms such as Amazon and eBay, ensuring consistent and updated information.

This enhances customer experience and minimizes returns.

Additionally, they facilitate the inclusion of necessary marketplace details like product specifications, images, and pricing, leading to quicker sales and cost savings in product enrichment.

For example, you can sell more products in less time because you don’t need to add information about each product again and again.

Ease of Installation & Setup

KatanaPIM offers a seamless installation process with the option to schedule a demo for expert guidance in setup and feature usage. You can begin inputting your product information immediately or follow their onboarding guidance.

For Icecat, the process is equally straightforward. Create an account on their website, select an appropriate subscription plan, and gain instant access to their product database for downloading product data.

KatanaPIM offers expert guidance and can be integrated with your BigCommerce store, ERP or financial package, while Icecat provides tools for integrating product data into popular ecommerce platforms and an API for custom integrations.

User Interface Design & Navigation

KatanaPIM and Icecat have user-friendly interfaces that are easy to navigate. The KatanaPIM interface allows businesses to import and centralize all their product information from different sources, and provides rich and complete information for products.

Both KatanaPIM and Icecat have user-friendly interfaces.

The Katana platform also allows team members to collaborate in checking data completion and quality, and provides multiple native integrations along with an open API to connect with. 

On the other hand, Icecat’s PIM system is a cloud-based service that is perfect for large-scale rich product catalogs management. It has tools to integrate its product data into different systems, including plugins for popular e-commerce platforms like Magento, Shopify, and WooCommerce.

Both platforms are super easy to use, with user-friendly interfaces that make it easy to access necessary features and functions.

Customizability & Flexibility in Product Data Management

KatanaPIM offers user-friendly customization and allows for importing and augmentation of product information from various sources.

It supports team collaboration with role assignments and integrates seamlessly with other software through an API, albeit potentially facing challenges with highly intricate data management needs.

Icecat, on the other hand, is a customizable cloud-based service proficient in handling extensive product data, including multimedia content.

It provides tools for efficient data management and offers API integration, though it may entail a steeper learning curve in setup and operation compared to KatanaPIM.

Integrations with E-Commerce Platforms

KatanaPIM offers extensive integrations for major e-commerce platforms like BigCommerce, Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce, along with an open API for further flexibility in connections.

However, integration compatibility may vary based on the specific platform, and some technical expertise may be needed.

In contrast, Icecat excels in syndicating product information to a wide array of e-commerce channels.

It has established partnerships with various platforms and marketplaces, including Amazon, eBay, and Google Shopping.”

Icecat has strong syndication capabilities where users can distribute product information to many e-commerce channels and marketplaces.

Icecat also provides its own Open Catalog Interface, which has become an industry XML standard for the secure syndication of product data-sheets to channel partners. 

However, Icecat’s integration capabilities with other e-commerce platforms outside of syndication may be more limited.

The level of compatibility and ease of integration may vary depending on the platform being integrated with. It’s important to carefully evaluate the integration capabilities of each platform and consider any potential limitations or difficulties before making a decision.


When it comes to pricing, both KatanaPIM and Icecat offer various packages to fit the needs of different companies.

KatanaPIM has three pricing packages: 

  1. The Starter package is ideal for growing businesses and costs €399 per month with a €1,500 setup fee. This package includes 500 SKUs, 2 users, and 2 languages. 

  2. The Pro package is the most popular for larger businesses and costs €699 per month with a €1,500 setup fee.  This package includes 10,000 SKUs, 5 users, and 5 languages. 

  3. The Pro+ package is best suited for very large businesses and costs €999 per month with a €1,500 setup fee. This package includes 100,000 SKUs, 10 users, and 10 languages. 

KatanaPIM also offers additional add-ons that you can include in your package for an extra monthly fee.

Icecat also has different pricing plans which are the Free plan and 3 more plans: 

  1. The Starter plan starts at €350 per month

  2. The One Vertical plan starts at €600 per month

  3. The Complete plan starts at €3500 per month. 

Each subscription plan provides different capabilities based on the size of your product SKUs.

KatanaPIM vs Icecat PIM: Which Platform is Best for Your Online Business Needs?

Now, are you still wondering which platform is best for your online business? Don’t worry! Just check the table below:

Feature/FunctionalityKatanaPIMIcecat PIM
Product Data Management++
Data Import/Export++
Data Mapping++
Data Quality Control++
Data Enrichment++
Data Sharing/Collaboration+
Data Reporting/Analytics++
Multi-language Support++
Image Management++
Pricing Management++
Order Management+
Customer Management+
API Integration++
  • Product Data Management: Both KatanaPIM and Icecat PIM offer product data management capabilities, which involve managing and organizing product data such as product descriptions, specifications, and pricing.

  • Data Import/Export: Both platforms support importing and exporting data to and from the system.

  • Data Mapping: Both platforms allow users to map data fields to ensure that data is correctly aligned and integrated.

  • Data Quality Control: Both platforms have data quality control features to ensure data accuracy and completeness.

  • Data Enrichment: Both platforms allow users to enhance and enrich product data with additional information and multimedia assets.

  • Data Sharing/Collaboration: KatanaPIM has collaborative features that allow team members to share and collaborate on product data, while Icecat PIM does not offer this functionality.

  • Data Reporting/Analytics: Both platforms provide reporting and analytics features to help users gain insights into their product data.

  • Multi-language Support: Both platforms support multiple languages to cater to global audiences.

  • Image Management: Both platforms offer image management capabilities, allowing users to manage product images and other multimedia assets.

  • Pricing Management: Both platforms support pricing management features for managing product pricing.

  • Order Management: Only KatanaPIM offers order management features, which allows users to manage customer orders and fulfillment.

  • Customer Management: Only KatanaPIM offers customer management features to manage customer information.

  • API Integration: Both platforms support API integration, allowing for seamless integration with other systems and platforms.

After evaluating the effectiveness of each feature, you can then determine the PIM platform that offers better value for your money and business. 

Discover The Secrets to Explosive E-commerce Growth

KatanaPIM and Icecat PIM are versatile tools for online sellers, capable of tasks like product information management, data import/export, and analysis. KatanaPIM excels in customer information management and order handling, while Icecat PIM is well-suited for collaborative projects. It’s important to select the program that aligns best with your specific requirements.

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