Helpful Tips & Strategies

Here is an archive of helpful tips, strategies and information relevant to any business.


february retail calendar
Chris Munch

February 2024 Retail Calendar: Ecommerce Holiday Marketing & Content Opportunities

Don’t miss out on key retail holidays and events in February 2023! Use our comprehensive list of dates to plan your promotions and boost your sales. With the help of AmpiFire’s content marketing services, you can amplify the impact of your website or content and attract high-ROI traffic. Contact us for a free consultation and take your ecommerce business to the next level.

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Chris Munch

The Best B.S. Ad Funnel I Ever Saw [Deconstructed]

I’ve been marketing online for 15+ years. Thought I’d seen every sneaky tactic. Every dirty trick. But even I still get fooled if I don’t pay close enough attention. I recently saw what might be the best bullshit ad funnel I’ve ever seen.

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